June 17, 2020
Nael Eltoukhy “Out of the gutter”

Nael Eltoukhy “Out of the gutter”

Out of the gutter is a most unusual read: A saga that mixes tragedy, and a dark, off the wall humor.

Houriya, or Harankash, as her father used to call her, is a conventional, candid, middle-class bigot, who, when the novel opens, is recovering from her husband’s suicide and her father’s recent passing. Raising her mentally challenged son Mahmoud on her own, Houriya, a math school teacher, seeks happiness… and the hardships she faces don’t stop there.

While Houriya’s life is tragic, the account of her misfortunes is completely offbeat, and makes of Out of the gutter an unusual and captivating saga. This post-modern tale that borrows its form from traditional story-telling, weaves together first-person and third-person narratives, creating layers of reality.