October 14, 2012
Jabbour Douaihy in Torino, at Alessandro Baricco’s Holden School

Jabbour Douaihy in Torino, at Alessandro Baricco’s Holden School

Douaihy’s novel, Chased away, is out in Italian (Feltrinelli)!

The author was in Torino, Italy, for the launch of his book, and was invited to give the inaugural lecture at the prestigious Holden School of Writing and Storytelling, established by Alessandro Baricco in 1984.

From the School’s website:

“The Scuola Holden begins its new year with an exceptional guest: Jabbour Douaihy. Called the Lebanese Bassani, twice a finalist in the “Arabic booker prize”, the winner of the “Hanna Wakim” for the best Lebanese novelist, Douaihy is an exceptional author who, thanks to his precise and vivid writing, is able to tell the stories of a Lebanon torn by fratricide fighting with great realism.

On Monday, 8th October, at 15:30 the author taught the inaugural lesson of the 2012-2014 Biennial course in Writing and Storytelling, spoke to us about how he writes his stories and his discipline in writing, of narrative voices and the perception a bilingual Arabic – French writer has of Arabic fiction.

In a recent interview on Arabic fiction he stated: “The Arabic novel must reflect on the “density” of national (and nationalist), community, social and cultural confrontations the are moving the Near East. The Arab is a kind of stigmata that the novel expresses by bringing forth the interior experience of individuals and the general experience of a culture that is facing globalisation with forms of resistance that are more obvious than elsewhere.” Il Manifesto

The lesson was transmitted in streaming on our website or at

On Tuesday, October 9th, at the Turin Circolo dei Lettori at 6 pm, the Author told with Francesca Caferri (Foreign news editor at La Repubblica). Douaihy has presented the Italian translation of his latest novel, San Giorgio guardava altrove, (Chase Away), released in bookshops on October 10th by Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore.

In collaboration with Circolo dei lettori and Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore.”