January 14, 2015
Jabbour Douaihy on the IPAF’s longlist for the third time! – for “American Neighborhood”

Jabbour Douaihy on the IPAF’s longlist for the third time! – for “American Neighborhood”

rp_Douaihy-TheNationalAE-300x199.jpgFor the third time, the Lebanese novelist Jabbour Douaihy is on the long list of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction. This time, it’s for his novel “American Neighborhood”, published at Dar al Saqi. Another of Dar al Saqi’s titles is long-listed: The Daughter of Suslov, bu Yemeni novelist Habib Abdulrab Sarori.





Other long- listed titles include:


A Suspended Life, Atef Abu Saif (Palestine), Al-Ahlia

Far from Clamour, Close to Silence, Mohammed Berrada (Morocco), Le Fennec

Drowning in Lake Morez, Antoine Douaihy (Lebanon), Dar al-Mourad

The American Neighbourhood, Jabbour Douaihy (Lebanon), Dar al Saqi

Floor 99, Jana Elhassan (Lebanon), Difaf Publications
Diamonds and Women, Lina Huyan Elhassan (Syria), Dar al-Adab

Don’t Tell Your Nightmare! Abdel Wahab al-Hamadi (Kuwait), Al-Markez al-Thaqafi al-Arabi

Female Voices, Maha Hassan (Syria), Dar Tanweer, Lebanon

Riyam and Kafa, Hadia Hussein (Iraq), Arab Institute for Research and Publishing

Sharp Turning, Ashraf al-Khamaisi (Egypt), Al-Dar al-Masriya al-Lubnaniya

Graphite, Hisham al-Khashin (Egypt), Maktabat al-Dar al-Arabiyya lil Kitab

The Italian, Shukri al-Mabkhout (Tunisia), Dar Tanweer

Tunis Willow Alley, Ahmed al-Madeeni (Morocco), Al-Markez al-Thaqafi al-Arabi

The Daughter of Suslov, Habib Abdulrab Sarori (Yemen), Dar al Saqi

The Size of a Grape, Muna al-Sheemi (Egypt), Al-Hadara

The Longing of the Dervish, Hammour Ziada (Sudan), Dar al-Ain