The General Egyptian Book Organisation (GEBO) is working with the London Book Fair, The Publishers Association, Independent Publishers Guild and other organisations on a wide range of activities to take place during the two-week event.
UK delegation
An intensive programme has been put into place by the UK delegation from Monday 26th to Wednesday 28th January 2009. The programme, detailed below, is provisional.
The aim of the professional programme is to firstly hear from a panel of professionals, and then have a discussion to share experiences, find solutions to problems, overcome obstacles and maximise opportunities. The audience for the seminars are UK and Arab publishing professionals, booksellers, and authors.
Monday 26th January | 11am-1pm : Publishers on stand
2-3pm : Seminar on the promotion of translated literature
The discussion will be around successfully promoting and selling translations from one culture to another, how to develop media interest, bookstore promotions, author events.
Susie Nicklin (British Council)
Nigel Newton (Bloomsbury)
Gary Pulsifer (Arcadia Books)
Bachar Chebaro (Arab Scientific Publishers)
Mark Linz (American University of Cairo Press)
Tuesday 27th January | 11am-1pm : Publishers on stand
2-3pm : Seminar on The Supply Chain and Bookselling in the UK
Simon Juden (Publishers Association)
Innes Shaheen (Palmtree Books)
Jonathan Nowell (Nielsen)
Amira Mitchell-Karam (Grant and Cutler Bookstore)
An overview of the key elements of the supply chain the UK. Hear from experts, among who buy Arabic language books for a bookstore, and an independent library and shop supplying arabic books for children of all ages. Based in the United Kingdom they specialise in providing quality teaching materials to help children quickly and easily acquire proficiency in the Arabic language from a young age.
3-4pm : Seminar on Digital Developments in the UK in bookselling and publishing and the impact on copyright
Simon Juden (Publishers Association)
Lynette Owen (Pearson Education)
An update on how the Digital Agenda is affecting the publishing and bookselling industry in the UK and what impact this has on copyright.
Wednesday 28th January | 11am-1pm : Publishers on stand
2-3pm : New reading, writing and publishing initiatives in the Middle East.
Nigel Newton, Chairman, Management Committee, Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Publishing, Doha and Founder and Chief Executive, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London.
What does this mean for Arab Publishers, writers and Booksellers.
3-4pm : The role of a literary agent, AND the role of a literary Scout and how they work with British Publishers, overseas publishers, and the relationship with the author.
Speaker : Ros Ramsay (Literary Scout)
Aimed at Arab Publishers and Writers in particular.